Please join us in our mission by donating to Project Restoration Ministry. Your generous donations enable us to subsidize counseling sessions for couples in need and also offer quality mentor training for volunteer mentor couples.
Need a more tangible idea of how we stretch your dollars?

• $10 pays for 1 Mentor Training manual.

• $30 pays for 1 mentor couple to take the PREPARE/ENRICH inventory and undergo mentor training.
• $30 pays for 1 mentee couple to take the PREPARE/ENRICH inventory, a tool used for mentoring.
• $90 provides a scholarship for 3 mentee couples to take the PREPARE/ENRICH Inventory.
• $120 pays for 3 mentor couples to undergo mentor training.

Project Mentoring
If you would like to help support Project Restoration Ministries, please click here.

Project Restoration Ministries is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and all donations are tax deductible unless
goods or services are received.
You may also mail donations to: Project Restoration Ministries at P.O. Box 21865 Waco, Texas 76702
Donate Online