Project Counseling

To provide affordable professional counseling for couples in need.
Project Restoration Ministry partners with 13 licensed, professional counselors who hold a Biblical worldview and practice in Central Texas. Each counselor offers reduced-fee counseling for PRM clients.
A couple in need of counseling contacts PRM and sets up an assessment meeting with a PRM representative. During that meeting the PRM representative either affirms the need for counseling or recommends Project Mentoring as an alternative.
If the PRM representative confirms that counseling is necessary for the couple, PRM will work with the client to determine the following:

- if the client has insurance with applicable coverage;
- matching the client with a PRM counselor; and
- the amount financial assistance the client will receive from PRM.
Project Counseling Process
• Our goal is to maximize the generous donations of our financial partners to provide as many clients as possible with quality, professional, Christian counseling,. Therefore, PRM’s financial assistance is based on specific needs of each individual couple.
• The PRM representative, working with the counselor and the client, will determine if the client has applicable insurance to cover the counseling sessions. If so, we request that the client file with their respective insurance company and pay any insurance co-pay directly to the counselor. If the client needs assistance in paying the co-pay, the PRM representative will work with them to determine the amount of financial assistance PRM will provide.
• If the client’s insurance does not cover the counseling sessions, PRM will work with the client to determine the amount of PRM financial assistance. PRM clients sign a contract agreeing to pay a portion of the counseling fee, based on particular financial needs.
• Once the financial details are finalized, the PRM client makes an appointment with the recommended PRM counselor, and the client informs PRM of this appointment. PRM will then call the counselor’s office to authorize payment of its agreed upon financial assistance.
• PRM clients pay the amount agreed upon directly to the PRM counselor at the time of their appointment. For missed appointments without the counselor’s required cancellation notice, clients are required to pay to the counselor the full amount of the counseling session (this assures neither the counselor nor PRM incur any unnecessary costs).
Payment for Counseling Sessions
In most cases, the counselor and PRM agree to offer six sessions of counseling to the client in need. After six sessions the counselor will fill out a confidential evaluation form, which makes a recommendation whether the couple needs additional counseling or should be released. This evaluation form is provided to PRM. If more counseling is recommended, the PRM representative will again determine the amount financial assistance the client qualifies for. When the client is released from counseling, the PRM representative will discuss with the client the option of Project Mentoring.
Duration of Counseling
If a PRM client misses an appointment without giving the counselor their required cancellation notice, the client is responsible for paying the entire balance for that session, so that PRM incurs no cost.
Missed Appointments
1. Sign an agreement with PRM and a waiver for PRM to send and receive a post-counseling evaluation to the counselor. This evaluation form only provides the level of progress made and recommendations for future counseling, not personal details about counseling sessions.
2. Schedule their counseling appointments. Inform PRM of appointment days/times. Attend their appointments. If they need to miss an appointment, they must give their counselor the counselor’s required cancellation notice. If they fail to do so, they will be required to pay the full amount of the session.
3. Inform PRM when their first appointment is scheduled and the name of the PRM counselor. This enables PRM to authorize payment.
4. Pay the PRM counselor each time they attend a session.
Client Responsibilities
If you are interested in counseling or being counseled, please contact us through the form below.